Psychologist Adaskina told how best to formulate a wish on New Year’s Eve

It is better to formulate New Year’s wishes specifically and try to imagine in detail how life will change after a dream comes true. This was reported to the Moscow City News Agency by Anna Adaskina, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Psychology named after Professor Guruzhapov of the Faculty of Educational Psychology of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences.

“Think about whether your specific wish is sufficient? Try to imagine what you want in all its specifics and details. What will change in your life when this happens? Try to imagine changes in different areas of life: in relationships, in work, in lifestyle, and honestly answer the question — do you really like the painted picture?” , Adaskina said.

The expert also recommended making wishes that do not depend on other people to fulfill.

“Wishes about other people are usually not very effective, because everyone controls their own lives,” she explained.

In addition, you should imagine what steps you can take to make your wish come true, Adaskina added.

“If not a single thought comes to mind, there seems to be something wrong with this desire. Listen to yourself — if you have warm feelings, you’re on the right track, but if you don’t hear a response or feel uncomfortable, stop and rearrange your request,” the specialist concluded.


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