Losing weight is not just about eating properly and exercising. Check out this checklist to help you look at the problem comprehensively.
It turns out that only 8% of people are always successful with their goals by being determined and persistent in their own aspirations. And a firm decision to lose weight often remains just a goal for many people that they cannot achieve. What should I do? Getting off to the right start can be a great starting point and lead to amazing results. So here are some tips that will make your journey to your goal easier and more successful.
1. Motivate yourself the right way
What usually motivates you? Are you visualizing a perfect version of yourself or are you dreaming of perfect results? Alas, this approach is considered ineffective. When we don’t take into account possible mistakes and failures, we give up faster at the first difficulty. How should you visualize the desired results with maximum efficiency? First of all, (1) think about the benefits, (2) analyze all possible barriers. As a result, you’ll understand what you really want and prepare for the challenges. And if you know about them right from the start, it will give you long-term motivation.
2. Analyze your previous attempts (if any)
If this is not the first time you have decided to fight weight, carefully analyze your experience. Ask yourself why you failed earlier. Here’s a short list of possible reasons why most of your attempts failed:
• Unrealistic goals or lack of goals• Dietary disorders • Distractions• Lack of a diet plan and physical exertion• Expecting visible results in a short time• Wrong diet• Add your reasons
This step will help you take into account previous mistakes and avoid making them again. Weight loss is a long-term process.
3. Develop a meal plan
A detailed nutrition plan and a list of products definitely improve results. Don’t be lazy. Take a few hours to design a special menu. If you think that your knowledge in this area is insufficient, consult with experts.
4. Develop a physical activity plan
A combination of diet and sports is usually the most effective strategy. Hence, if your meal plan is ready, it’s time to create an exercise schedule. Choose the physical activity that works best for you. You can try to burn calories through cardio training, walking, running, swimming, cycling.
5. Determine for yourself what habits you have that will help you succeed
There is a lot of research related to weight loss. Some of them can help you choose the right attitude towards this process. For example, eggs for breakfast plus 2 litres of water a day are effective tools to help you reach your goal. But there are plenty of temptations in our world. Is it hard for you to ignore the candy vase in the office? Some studies describe an interesting fact: when candy was out of sight, the average person ate three candies a day; but when the vase was right in front of their eyes, the amount of sweets eaten increased to eight.
6. Go online
A weight loss plan is always hard to start. Make it public to make this process easier for yourself. If you regularly record your results online, they will become more visible and tangible. You’ll see your progress in comparison, and you’ll be less tempted to give up your venture.
7. Be prepared to fail. Losing weight is a battle that requires you to give in!
Mistakes are key to learning. Next time you’ll think twice about what’s more important to your results: training or a new movie on TV. Don’t be afraid of failure (to be honest, we need to relax sometimes), just never forget your goal.
8. Reward yourself
Even the tiniest reward can motivate us to run the extra mile. So if you feel like your motivation is starting to fade, thank yourself for your resilience and reward yourself with what you’ve been dreaming about. Also, take the time to review how far you’ve come, make some adjustments to your plan (if necessary), and get back to the process with renewed vigor.
Source: https://flytothesky.ru/
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